Χαϊντάρ Hamdani / Getty Images.Ήταν μια ώρα μετά από το σκοτάδι, όταν το φορτηγό pick-up τοποθετείται με ένα πολυβόλο και συσκευάζονται ..
με Καλάσνικοφ-toting πολιτοφύλακες έλασης κάτω από την ήσυχη κατοικημένη περιοχή στην ανατολική Βαγδάτη. Sinan Nadhim κλειδωμένη ήσυχα την πόρτα του γραφείου του, πήρε το τηλέφωνό του και τις εξερχόμενες ταξιδιωτικού πράκτορα του. "Είναι πίσω», είπε. "Πρέπει να βγούμε."
Ο κ. Nadhim είναι ένας από τους χιλιάδες κατοίκους της Βαγδάτης που προσπαθούν να εγκαταλείψουν την πόλη εν μέσω φόβων για νέο εμφύλιο πόλεμο ως σουνίτες μαχητές ωθούν προς την πρωτεύουσα, και Σιίτες πολιτοφύλακες όρκο να πεθάνουν υπερασπιζόμενοι την πόλη.
‘The death squads are back, we have to flee Baghdad’
Shia women show they are prepared to join government forces against jihadists
Haidar Hamdani/Getty Images
It was an hour after dark when the pick-up truck mounted with a machinegun and packed with Kalashnikov-toting militiamen rolled down the quiet residential street in eastern Baghdad.
Sinan Nadhim quietly locked the door of his office, picked up his phone and dialled his travel agent. “They’re back,” he said. “I need to get out.”
Mr Nadhim is one of the thousands of Baghdad residents who are trying to flee the city amid fears of a new sectarian civil war as Sunni militants push towards the capital, and Shia militiamen vow to die defending the city.
Shia women show they are prepared to join government forces against jihadists
Haidar Hamdani/Getty Images
It was an hour after dark when the pick-up truck mounted with a machinegun and packed with Kalashnikov-toting militiamen rolled down the quiet residential street in eastern Baghdad.
Sinan Nadhim quietly locked the door of his office, picked up his phone and dialled his travel agent. “They’re back,” he said. “I need to get out.”
Mr Nadhim is one of the thousands of Baghdad residents who are trying to flee the city amid fears of a new sectarian civil war as Sunni militants push towards the capital, and Shia militiamen vow to die defending the city.
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